Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Alfajores and other news

Morning! Don't be alarmed. I will not leave you like I did in 2012! I have good reasons for why I did not blog last night!

1. I stopped at Sephora after work and obviously spent way too much money on three stupid things, that I'm sure I could have found at CVS for much cheaper - BUT - the staff are so helpful there, and I feel so pampered when they show me how to use everything!

2. I stayed up until 11pm making - what we in Peru call- manjar blanco, more commonly known as dulce de leche. For those of you who don't know, dulce de leche is this super delicious caramel-like spread that you can basically put on anything and it makes everything a thousand times better and sweeter.

What does this mean? Well, if you are really dedicated, you could stir a pot over and over with condensed milk, evaporated milk, baking power, and vanilla extract and try to get the consistency just right. Or you could do what I do and boil a can of condensed milk for 3 hours and the most you have to do is check every hour to make sure the water hasn't boiled down too low. I  know, I know, it sounds like a long time. But it is so worth it because you don't have to worry about overcooking or burning the milk.

Three little cans of yummy goodness snug as bugs in rug!
I made the dulce de leche because I'm planning on making alfajores, these AMAZING shortbread-esque sandwich cookies that are filled with this caramel-y goodness, for Valentine's Day. Just a little treat for my friends at work. Don't worry, I'll take more pics tonight of the process and finished products and you will die of jealousy.

Are any of you making goodies for your Valentines?

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